Frühling am Aasee

Der Frühling ist endlich auch in Deutschland angekommen! 🙂


An die Fotografen (mit kalibriertem Bildschirm): Ich hab am Wochenende meinen Bildschirm kalbiriert, bin mir aber nicht sicher, ob er nicht zu rötlich ist. Es ist bei diesen Bildern schwer zu sagen, aber falls ihr einen grünlichen oder rötlichen Farbstich bemerkt, sagt bitte Bescheid 😉




Die Bilder sind mit dem Tamron 70-200 2.8 Macro ohne VC entstanden und ich muss sagen, ich bin echt beeindruckt von dem Objektiv. Scharf, wo es scharf sein soll (auch am langen Ende) und beeindruckend wenig Vignettierung für mein Empfinden. Und natürlich die Naheinstellgrenze von 95cm, wo andere Objektiv 1,2m oder mehr brauchen. Bis auf den fehlenden IS und USM eigentlich perfekt…


Down in the grass

Down in the grass

„What’s that looney doing down there in the grass?“ – That’s probably what all the people thougth who passed me by while I was crouched down at the roadside looking at plain grass. Unfortunately I didn’t have my tripod with me which would have a) made it more obvious what I had been doing down there and b) allowed me to compose this shot more carefully and try myself at focus-stacking. As the weather was rather on the dark side I already had to go up with the ISO and it wasn’t possible to close the aperture further for increased DOF. Well, I’ll try it again as soon as there is fresh, green grass. I hope it won’t take long anymore!

Waiting for winter

Waiting for winter

Sooo, it is Sunday evening, today is Monday, the Christmas holidays come to an end and I have to go to university again. Honestly, I’m not that thrilled. Exams look a lot nearer from this side of Christmas and it’s not going to be as easy as Abc. But I’m confident that I’ll scrape my course assessment.
Due to learning and university my time for photos is rather limited for the moment but I hope I’ll be able to do some new photographs soon. But after all, when I look out of my window I see the same old street, leafless trees and sometimes puddles and rain. Therefore, it’s not the best time (and place) for photgraphy here anyway.
Interesting sidenote: I bought myself a Sigma 10-20mm 4-5.6 and find it to be an extremely creative and interesting focal length. I’ll probably do some architecture shots or long exposures in Münster when I have the time (and the equipment with me).
For now, I delve into my collection of old photographs and I find the above to be satisfyingly harmonious. It was shot about a year ago in forrest behind our house with my beloved Sigma 70 2.8.